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VIDEO- Winning Pedigree From Saguaro To ASU Football

The Saguaro high school football program won six consecutive state titles in the past decade. Four players from those teams are on the 2021 Arizona State University football roster.

“It’s run like a college program,” 2017 Saguaro graduate Corey Stephens said. “There’s no place quite like it, in my opinion.”

Stephens, Will Shaffer, Connor and Kyle Soelle all credit their time with Jason Mohns at Saguaro as the reason they ended up at ASU. 

“You’re not just going to come in and be the guy,” Connor Soelle said. “If you do have dreams and aspirations to play at the next level, you can’t just put the jersey on, on Friday night. That’s something that you learn your entire time at Saguaro.”

As Sabercats, these four were forged into gritty players. Mohns coaches with a style that’s tough, yet rewarding for those with college football aspirations. 

“They’ve taken the culture and the lessons they learned at Saguaro and they’ve taken it to the next level,” Mohns said. “They continue to do the things that we hung our hat on at Saguaro… We’re just so proud of those guys.” 

Jordan Spurgeon enjoys covering sports all across the state and telling feature stories that impact people.

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