This weeks Valle Luna “Making a Difference’ athlete of the week is Drew Achor from Pinnacle high school. Drew carries a 4.1 GPA Weighted and takes AP European History, Honors geometry and Honors Biology. He is on the Principal Leadership Advisory Council. They help with Fundraising, ideas to improve the school and offer student perspective on issues at school
Drew is an Eagle Scout, and is passionate about the outdoors. Scouting also focuses on youth leadership and serving others. Drew has worked through the ranks of his troop since First grade and is now serving as the Senior Patrol Leader over the whole troop. He will hold this position for approximately 6th months. As scouts work through the ranks, there are several volunteer opportunities in the community with other scouts and their “Eagle Projects.” They refer to it as servant leadership, Eagle Scout candidates modeling behavior leading their project.
Drew has chosen “The Phoenix Children’s Project” as the benefactor of his Eagle Project. He is planning to build a shade structure in the rear of the property. There are three phases to an Eagle Project: Application, Fundraising/planning, completion of the project. Drew is currently in the application phase with a plan of completion in early May 2018. The Phoenix Children’s Project – Community Center is located at 1047 N 28th St., Phoenix, AZ 85008.
Drew remains active in the Scouts and enjoys it because it offers him a way to enjoy nature, an opportunity to help the community, and helps shape kids into good young men and teaches great values.
Drew Achor, this weeks Valle Luna “Making a Difference” athlete of the week.
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