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Upton trade talk… again…

Another round of “Justin Upton is going to be traded” stories popped up in this week. The longer that the Diamondbacks sit on Upton, the higher the price tag is going to go, unless…

What if Upton gets off to a slow start in spring training? What if all the scouts armed with stopwatches and notebooks find reason to question Uptons skills? Point is, trading Upton in the next five weeks before camp starts appears to me to be the best time to get a deal done.

It’s hard to imagine the team going into Salt River Fields with the logjam in the outfield…

Media personality Brad Cesmat first rose to fame in Southern California with the launching of "The Mighty 690" all-sports radio station in the late 1980's and early 90's. Brad came to Arizona in 1993 to begin a 10-year run at KTAR Radio followed by nine years at KTVK-TV in Phoenix. Brad is the Founder/ CEO of His vision of multi platform content marketing through sports began in September of 2011. Cesmat has served on the Advisory Board for the Salvation Army for the last 18 years. He and his wife Chris have four children.

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