Have you looked at your Disney stock lately?
Have you read and heard how ESPN, owned by Disney, has tossed bodies out in the street through layoffs and cutbacks?
Have you read the smart financial analysts and reporters who have wondered out loud if Disney is about to part ways with ESPN?
Have you read where Apple-TV has become part of the streaming bid for the Pac-12 contract at around $20-million per school.
Have you seen what the arrival of Messi has done for soccer on Apple-TV?
Did you happen to stream Ted Lasso on Apple-TV?
We are watching “Hijacked” right now on Apple-TV. It’s terrific.
Do you think Apple-TV has enough cash lying around to purchase ESPN IF Disney decides to dump the “World Wide Leader”?
Might it be pretty smart in 2023 to form a partnership with Apple-TV now, rather than wait?
What if Apple has a NIL componenet with the Pac-12 athletes as part of an streaming agreement?
What if Apple-TV doubles or triples subscriptions? What does that $20-million per school then look like?
What if ESPN is brought into the Apple-TV brand and along with it comes the SEC?
Are you one of those who wants games on your linear TV because that’s all you’ve ever known. You hate change.
Are you one who just wants the 31.2 million from the Big 12(assuming a full share is given to your school for coming over) because today in early August 2023, it looks the safest and smartest?.
Do you trust anyone in leadership of the Pac-12 to do something(anything) right with their media rights and content?
I’m looking at my Disney stock…
Related posts:

(AP Photo/Ralph Freso, File)
Wilner Hotline – Pac-12 survival guide: The strategic merits of an alliance (or merger) with the Big 12

Brad Cesmat

Media personality Brad Cesmat first rose to fame in Southern California with the launching of "The Mighty 690" all-sports radio station in the late 1980's and early 90's. Brad came to Arizona in 1993 to begin a 10-year run at KTAR Radio followed by nine years at KTVK-TV in Phoenix. Brad is the Founder/ CEO of Sports360AZ.com. His vision of multi platform content marketing through sports began in September of 2011. Cesmat has served on the Advisory Board for the Salvation Army for the last 18 years. He and his wife Chris have four children.