The Dallas bandwagon in Arizona is littered with broken ankles tonight. Fans jumping off right and left as the Cardinals embarrassed the Cowboys 38-10 in Little D. Zeke Elliott fumbled…
How ‘Bout Them Cardinals, Destruction In Dallas
Editor’s note: This segment was filmed for Brad Cesmat’s Football AZ on FOX Sports Arizona earlier in the week. Since the filming of this video, Saguaro’s meeting with Chaparral has…
Governor Doug Ducey took questions from CEO Brad Cremat on Thursday’afternoon in regards to high school football being played during the pandemic and the big sporting events like NASCAR,…
Frida Mata After more than a decade of increasing rates of concussions, a new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that the rate of emergency room…
By Andrew Bell Photo Courtesy: Associated Press Morning arrivals, empty arenas, and the sound of skates, sticks, and chirps echoing through the walls of a hockey rink. The characteristics…
Devin Booker is the biggest piece to get the Suns out of their 10-year postseason drought. I watched the first five minutes from his Zoom out of the NBA bubble…
Sometimes you have to take stalk in what you have. Count your blessings. It’s easy when that person, place, or thing is suddenly taken away. Now with the sports calendar…
Story by Frida Mata The NFL is scheduled for players to head back to camps at the end of July, but with COVID-19 cases rising new barriers may rise. Renell…
At some point many of us will move past politics, right vs left, bad vs good, and get back to sports. That’s not happening in my space yet. I wrote…
The biggest head-shaker in Valley sports has been the behind the scenes rift between Arizona State and Grand Canyon University. I asked Ray Anderson about playing GCU in basketball several…