Hornacek for Coach of the Year? History Says No, I say Yes!


The game of basketball is part artistry and athleticism, and part science.  The scientific part relates to playing the percentages and game strategies are often tied to those numbers. If…

Are you not entertained?

Fast paced, three point shots by the dozen, high flying dunks and alley-oops. The question I pose to not just Suns fans, but NBA fans around the nation after the…

Ties to Tucson

The Arizona Wildcats Basketball Team continue their winning ways following their successful weekend in SoCal, and each game provided a piece of a championship resume.  Their win at UCLA revealed…

Safe at Home: Baseball’s New Proposed Rule

The only “contact” contemplated in baseball is between a pitched ball and a swung bat.  Baseball’s rules prohibit all sorts of other contact, such as the catcher’s interference rule, the…