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Social Media Reactions: AIA Reinstates Winter Sports

Arizona Sports News online

Story by Jordan Spurgeon

What a week for high school athletes in Arizona. Following a Januray 8 decision to cancel the winter sports season, the Arizona Interscholastic Association executive board held a re-vote on January 12. The original decision was 5-4, so one swing vote altered the decision to allow winter sports to begin the week of January 18 (Read about it here). 

The reactions from student-athletes, parents, coaches, and more were abundant.

This thread follows the meeting held by the AIA on YouTube today.

There are many factors that led to this decision, but the voiced opinions from the student-athletes affected played a large role.

Streaming companies may have some extra work as only two parents or legal guardians per athlete will be allowed to attend, if their school and county allow it.

There are many new guidelines that schools will have to follow in order to play in the AIA.

There are many uncertainties in 2021, but as of now high school winter sports in Arizona are back.

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