Ralph Amsden joins Sports360AZ

A note from Sports360AZ CEO Brad Cesmat

I am pleased to welcome Ralph Amsden into the Sports360AZ ecosystem. I’ve long admired Ralph’s desire, dedication, creativity, and work ethic in content creation. His ability to inform and entertain those who consume his content has always caught my eye. He has a servant’s heart for developing other creatives and has proven to be a good teammate in his growth on previous platforms. What excites me most about Ralph is his space in seeing high school sports as a dad and his willingness to share his experiences of going through the hamster maze of topics that most parents will face in the coming years with the new college athletics landscape.

There is much more to Ralph than just a byline. Happy to have his talents here. 

A few words from Ralph

When I started in sports media back in 2012, I set out with one goal- to tell stories about things I care about to the people I care about. It wasn’t long after I started that I became aware of Brad Cesmat and his crew at Sports360AZ, and had the realization that these folks were doing exactly what I wanted to be doing, the way I wanted to be doing it.

I’ve had the opportunity to work alongside Sports360AZ’s talent over the last decade, and it brought me so much value. We’ve shared ideas, content, employees, laughter, tears, vacations, weddings, funerals and a few hundred meals- we’ve worked together in every unconventional and unofficial way imaginable- so to make a partnership with Sports360AZ official feels like a dream come true.
Brad Cesmat has been a wonderful friend and mentor, and my goal in this next chapter is to make sure people continue to see just how unique his platform is. I’m thrilled to be part of an environment where self takes a backseat to the story, where interactions with adversity are just as celebrated as moments of achievement, and where the long-term relationship with the community we seek to inform is held above the temporary gain of its attention. 
This is where I want to tell stories, and these are the people I want to tell stories with. That was true ten years ago, and time never diminished that desire. I’m grateful for the opportunity, and can’t wait to get started.