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MMA gym opening in Scottsdale

Fight Ready Fitness Center specializing in MMA is set to have their Grand Opening celebration on November 5. Scott Peters, former ASU and NFL lineman, joined Brad Cesmat on the…

VIDEO: Natalie attempts a hole-in-one

On Day Two of our trip to Cabo San Lucas I attempted to do a little golfing….with the promise of a hole-in-one on the 15th hole of the Puerto Los…

Lots of offense in Week 9

Some scores from Friday’s big games: Queen Creek 26 over Campo Verde 0 Desert Edge 20 “ Buckeye 7 Saguaro 70 “ Arcadia 35 Cactus 49 “ Sunrise Mtn. 27 Apollo 34 “ Fairfax 7 Blue Ridge 10 “ Show Low 9 Tucson 40 “ Sunnyside 27 • Well things are getting very interesting as we enter…

Golfing in Los Cabos

Puerta de Los Cabos golf resort was on the to get video list for Day 2 of the trip. Here are a few snapshots from the course. {gallery}los_cabos_golf{/gallery} (Click on…