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My Story: ASU Signee Connor Soelle

Note from Sports360AZ CEO Brad Cesmat:Wednesday is College Football National Letter of Intent Day. We asked Saguaro linebacker/running back Connor Soelle, who’s signing with Arizona State, to share his high…

Higley’s Resilient Owen Enjoying The Moment

…!! #greatyoungman — Andy Silvas Photo (@PhotoSilvas) November 19, 2018 The bad news is Owen only has one season of varsity experience and tape. The good news the experience…

Zone Read: One Final Weekend

…in Tucson. The ‘Yotes essentially played keep away, breaking down the interior of the Saints’ defense with star running back Zidane Thomas before allowing quarterback Ruben Beltran to expose the…

Head Football Coach opening at Northern Arizona

Jerome Souers  has informed school officials that he is retiring as head football coach. The news(first reported by the Arizona Daily Sun) was confirmed by Monday afternoon.  Several  coaches…

Zone Read: On To The Quarter-Finals

breaking the top division’s single season record for receptions (-7), yards (-49), and touchdowns (-2). You can go ahead and offer him now, everyone. — ???? (@AZHSFB) November…