Story by Kirby Maus
Note from Brad-Another voice in our Mental Health and Sports platform. Kirby went from Valley TV sports reporter at FOX 10, into a completely different space. I’ve asked him to jump on the platform occasionally with his thoughts.
Kirby Maus. MC LMFT MBA
Kirby is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist with the AZ BBHE and an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach candidate… He earned a BA from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University, a Master of Counseling, in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling at the University of Phoenix, and the Ken Blanchard Executive MBA at Grand Canyon University…
As sports fans we all enjoy witnessing an athlete make a great catch…
These plays trigger loud cheers from the crowd, and they can also dramatically change the game and the energy and vibration in the arena, ballpark, or stadium as well as on the team…
An athlete making a great catch is noticeable because it happens right in front of our eyes at the game, on the television, or even radio… We witness the player take a risk to make a play… diving, jumping, sliding to make a difference… And if they make the catch, their risk is our reward triggering adrenalin, endorphins, and dopamine with roars of excitement…
Meanwhile… at work or home, life can be lonely when we feel nobody is paying attention to us or even cares about us while we’re doing positive and productive things… While we might enjoy being left alone, we all still need to be seen, heard, and appreciated because that’s what connects us to one another… There isn’t a crowd of fanatics catching us making plays at home or work, and we end up taking each other for granted becoming apathetic, complacent, stuck, and even resentful…
When we deserve a shot in the arm of stimulation… Someone needs to take a risk to make a play… You need to catch someone doing good… They deserve to be seen, heard, and appreciated… Being the one to give or receive a compliment is what motivates us to keep going with joy, passion, and love because being recognized triggers connection and a healthy reset of our heart, mind, and soul…
When we don’t feel seen, heard, or appreciated, we feel pain, fear, and anger that can trigger us to get attention by acting-out, acting sideways, or acting in – all dysfunctional behaviors we use to survive – which spread and infect a negative environment at home or toxic culture at work…
In my playbook, a parent is a leader; a leader is a parent… So, take a risk right now to catch someone doing good, such as your spouse, child, sibling, colleague, or classmate… If you don’t have one, then compliment that hard-working soul behind the counter at your local drive-thru… Catch someone doing good (making a play)… Compliment (cheer for) them… Say, “Thank you” (appreciate}, to them…
Make sure that person on your team feels seen, heard, and appreciated in your business or family… The side effect of connecting with them in a positive and uplifting way will motivate that person to continue to show up to do the best they can performing at their position or role in your business and family…
We teach people how to treat us… So, rather than expecting to be served by others, go unexpectedly support someone else by complimenting them and connecting with them… We get what we give… It’s contagious… Catching someone doing good is one of the best plays we can make in the game of life.
Kirby specializes in facilitating individuals, couples, and families (businesses) in the game of life at… He writes with 3 dots just like Brad… It’s a teleprompter thing…
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