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Kyler vs Cardinals…

So here’s how it’s likely to go with Kyler Murray. 

The agent will do the huffing and puffing on social media, the two sides will snarl and growl, but ultimately there will be an “understanding” of what will happen in the coming months year. Kyler will meet with the Valley media in May or run into TMZ  or a cellphone camera somewhere and say something like “I’m letting my agent handle that” or “it’s just business, I’m not worried about it, I’m here to play football.” 

If Kyler Murray wants to shake things up, then Kyler Murray needs to be the one doing the talking, not his agent being the mouthpiece. Of course, I am one of those “you signed the contract” guys, but when you see what Matt Ryan and Kirk Cousins are getting(several times more than what K1 is currently being paid), I sorta understand the player position. Of course, the blame game isn’t going to help either side. I feel like here in March, the Cardinals have already lost the offseason. Not because Kirk, Jones, and Edmonds are gone. That’s part of football. Outside of a guy, the last name of Fitzgerald, give me a productive Cardinal player that started and finished his career in Arizona? Nomad is part of the job description. 

 I’d say here in Phoenix, Murray is far behind in the polls of public opinion, and it’s not even close. The way the season ended, and now the agent shooting spit wads is not the way to garner support. There’s also a little matter of how the football team owner is taking to this approach by the Murray camp. The owner just extended a coach with an average record and a GM that is constantly being questioned by the fan base for every move he does or doesn’t make. The three players who left this offseason were all solid/sparkling additions at the time by the GM. I have more problem with the sidelines than the owner’s box. 

Much like the football program at Always Something University in Tempe, our gridiron heroes can’t seem to gain much offseason traction with the fan base that has seen the Super Bowl Champion Rams push the envelope here in the early weeks of the new calendar. Star QB wants a new deal; his agent is doing his thing to show future/current clients he can be a tough guy when he has 200 characters to make work. I can’t see the owner buckling/giving in on this one. 

Colt McCoy, you’re up…




Media personality Brad Cesmat first rose to fame in Southern California with the launching of "The Mighty 690" all-sports radio station in the late 1980's and early 90's. Brad came to Arizona in 1993 to begin a 10-year run at KTAR Radio followed by nine years at KTVK-TV in Phoenix. Brad is the Founder/ CEO of His vision of multi platform content marketing through sports began in September of 2011. Cesmat has served on the Advisory Board for the Salvation Army for the last 18 years. He and his wife Chris have four children.

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