Former 3TV colleague Gil Tyree and Bruce Cooper were together in a elevator at Bank One Ballpark (now Chase Field), when Billy Crystal steps on, looks at Coop and says, “Luther Vandross?!”
Charles Barkley – Suns/NBA Legend: At Suns training camp in Flagstaff, asks to borrow Tyree’s car. Barkley says to Gil, “If I wreck it, I’ll buy you a new one.” Coop was with Gil and said, “Can you imagine if Chuck gets in a fender bender and has to buy you a new car.” The car was a Nissan Elantra.
Jim Escobedo – Former Channel 12 Sports Photographer “During a Suns v Lakers playoff series in LA. After a long day of work we went to grab some food in Marina Del Ray. Coop doesn’t drink much alcohol. We all orders a few cocktails and Terry Junttie a Photographer at Channel 12 ordered a Long Island iced tea. Coop not being much of a drinker had no idea that a Long Island iced tea contained several shots of alcohol. Coop thought it was a regular ice tea and was delicious and ordered a second one. When we got up to leave Coop he was a little staggered and everyone was laughing at him and I think he had a little bit of a headache in the morning.
Jude LaCava – Former FOX10 Sports Director: “Bruce became a legendary figure especially with his high school football show on Friday nights. He worked as hard as anyone in the market and simply can’t be replaced. We became friends and shared stories about loss in our lives despite being competitors. Coop was and continues to be one of the most genuine people in the business that isn’t always real. I am fortunate enough to call him a close friend. He made a huge mark in Phoenix and I consider him an iconic figure.”
Doug Tammaro – Arizona State Athletics: “When his son blocked a punt in his freshman year against us and scored a touchdown, you could tell how conflicted Coop was. He was so proud of his son, but yet he was just as mad that his damn Sun Devils had a special teams error.”
Chris Peterson – Sports photographer 12 Sports: “First Cardinals game I covered with him, Adrian Wilson at the podium, I double punched (started recording, stopped recording without realizing it). I thought I was going to get toasted. I told Coop about my screw up and he smiled and said, “Don’t worry about it brotha, will get him later.” I am going to be a bit lost without him. I love that guy.”
John Gustafson – photojournalist 3TV/CBS5: “We used all his “Coopisms” like, ‘I tell you what!’ or ‘That is extremely correct!’ What sticks out so much is how loved he is by his peers.”
Kevin McCabe – Former Valley TV Reporter,current 98.7 FM radio host: “Coop showed me that we could laugh and love each other while were were in the process (of competing). Showed me how to have humility. Just seeing him and hearing him brings joy to me.”
Paola Boivin – Cronkite School, Arizona State: “Bruce added a huge dose of class to the Valley sports scene. Infinitely generous, always upbeat and a role model for young journalists of color who longed to see someone who looked like them on TV. He was a trailblazer and workaholic, but more than anything. just a good, good dude.”
Cam Cox – Anchor/Reporter 12 Sports “I TELL YOU WHAT… I will miss working next to my brother from another mother.For the past 6-years, I worked alongside Coop (seriously – our desks are right next one another).I’ve spent more time with Coop then I’ve probably spent with my actual family during that time.We laugh a lot, and in a business that can be so demanding and stressful, that positivity is needed and it’s contagious.By the way, if you ever run into Coop and need a good laugh, ask him who Luke Skywalker’s father is…We argue about everything – especially sports (just ask anyone in our newsroom haha), but at the end of the day, we also spend hours talking about life.I could point to so many memorable moments – but the thing I’m most thankful for… is Coop’s friendship.
Coop is leaving 12News, but our friendship is going to continue far beyond that. I’ll always be #TeamCoop.
I’ll still get early morning phone calls on my days off, and most importantly, we get to continue to this friendship without daily deadlines – maybe I’ll get him to pick up the game of golf? Maybe.”
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Brad Cesmat

Media personality Brad Cesmat first rose to fame in Southern California with the launching of "The Mighty 690" all-sports radio station in the late 1980's and early 90's. Brad came to Arizona in 1993 to begin a 10-year run at KTAR Radio followed by nine years at KTVK-TV in Phoenix. Brad is the Founder/ CEO of His vision of multi platform content marketing through sports began in September of 2011. Cesmat has served on the Advisory Board for the Salvation Army for the last 18 years. He and his wife Chris have four children.