The Pac-12 and its media partners on Wednesday released the kickoff times for the early-season games and any weeknight matchups throughout the fall. The final season of the conference’s 12-year…
A day after Arizona State took Stanford to extra holes to advance to match play, top-seeded North Carolina eliminated the Sun Devils from the men’s golf national championship quarterfinals. The…
The Pac-12 will reveal kickoff times for the early-season football games on Wednesday, likely in the lunchtime window. But the opponents and locations have been known for years; the order,…
The Hotline mailbag is published every week. Send questions to and include ‘mailbag’ in the subject line or hit me on Twitter: @WilnerHotline. Some questions have been edited for…
The NCAA Division 1 Golf Champiosnhip is being played at Grayhwak Golf Club for the third consecutive year. It’s the final year of hosting for now. Joe Shershenovich is the…
As Shelby Shaffer wraps up her high school career, she’s found success on the basketball court, track and now the football field. She helped the McClintock Chargers reach the 5A…
Having success at the Pac-12 baseball tournament is crucial to both ASU and Arizona’s postseason resumés. The Wildcats more than likely have to win the whole thing to get to…
Arizona State added an experienced player in Kori Roberson to a position of need along the defensive line. Roberson, who was previously at Oklahoma, has played 26 games in his…
The Hotline mailbag is published every week. Send questions to and include ‘mailbag’ in the subject line or hit me on Twitter: @WilnerHotline. Some questions have been edited for…
The Hotline is delighted to provide Pac-12 fans with a weekly dive into the recruiting process through the eyes and ears of Brandon Huffman, the Seattle-based national recruiting editor for…