Zone Read: What A Year

Just like that…it’s over. 2020 and its adjoining Arizona high school rollercoaster ride of a football season will never be forgotten.  A turbulent year on and off the field came…

Saguaro Out Of Open Playoff

The Open Division high school football playoff was reduced by one team on Thanksgiving Day.  Saguaro, battling COVID-19 issues, pulled out of the Open. The third-seeded Sabercats were scheduled  to…

Zone Read: It’s Rivalry Week

Mid-November greetings from the “Zone Read.” Despite the surging COVID numbers and all the issues which accompany them, it’s an exciting time for high school football fans here in Arizona…

Zone Read: Trick or Treat?

Happy Halloween week to all my “Zone Readers.” Thank you, as always, for checking out this column every Thursday and please stay safe this weekend in whatever holiday festivities are…