This broadcast is produced by the Liberty High School branch of the Peoria Student Broadcasting Network. The broadcast is a student-operated production by students of Liberty High School operating cameras,…
Perspective can be a powerful thing. In the often routine, sometimes unexpected, and occasional chaos of every day life, time tends to move quickly. Days morph into weeks, which quickly…
Friar’s Club Head coaches tend to trust their instincts. For Marcos de Niza’s Anthony Figueroa, long before the Padres took the field for their 2022 season opener against Vista Grande,…
Open Division Seeding The official Arizona Open Division football bracket. 8 O’Connor 1 Liberty 5 Saguaro4 Hamilton 6 Centennial3 Chandler 7 ALA Queen Creek2 Basha — Zach Alvira (@ZachAlvira) November…
Brophy Standard Time…Back East Brophy head coach Jason Jewell crafted the hashtag #BST (Brophy Standard Time) as a way of defining the Broncos’ standards and culture, as well as their…
Chandler shortstop Roch Cholowsky made his commitment to play baseball at UCLA official on Nov. 9. The senior star baseball player signed his National Letter of Intent alongside seven of…
This broadcast is produced by the Liberty High School branch of the Peoria Student Broadcasting Network. The broadcast is a student-operated production by students of Liberty High School operating cameras,…